Energized Chakra Healing Set


Presenting Chakra healing crystals, loving charged with Proprietary Core Healing Technology to balance all seven energy centers of the body!

Each crystal is super-charged with all 9 Solfeggio Frequencies, as well as numerous energies and resonances related to that specific chakra.

Place the crystals on your chakras to harmonize them,or simply to have a great rejuvenating meditation!

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To check the placement of the crystals on the body click on the chart.

Note: While lying down, the crown chakra and root chakra crystals don’t need to touch the body directly. Just keeping the crystal within two inches of the body is enough

Chakra positions

Apart from the Solfeggio freqeuncies, the individual Crystals have been charged with:

Frequency : 172.06 Hz
Color : Violet 700 Hz
Crystal : Clear or Rutilated Quartz
Aroma : Frankincense, Sandalwood, Myrrh
Mantra : OM

Third Eye
Frequency : 221.13 Hz
Color : Indigo 640 Hz
Crystal : Amethyst, Azurite, Lapis lazuli
Aroma : Rosemary, Lavendar, Mint
Mantra : OM
Third Eye
Frequency : 141.27 Hz
Color : Blue 620 Hz
Crystal : Blue Agate, Turquoise
Aroma : Blue Chamomile, Eucapyptus
Mantra : HUM
Frequency : 136.1 Hz
Color : Green 570 Hz
Crystal : Aventurine, Rose Quartz
Aroma : Rose, Bergamot, Neroli
Mantra : YUM
Solar Plexus
Frequency : 126.22 Hz
Color : Yellow 520 Hz
Crystal : Sulphur, Pyrite, Gold, Citrine
Aroma : Juniper, Vetiver, Geranium
Mantra : RUM
Solar Plexus
Frequency : 210.42 Hz
Color : Orange 500 Hz
Crystal : Carnelian, Jasper, Ruby, Garnet
Aroma : Jasmine, Rose, Ylang Ylang
Mantra : VUM
Frequency : 194.18 Hz
Color : Red 470 Hz
Crystal : Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz
Aroma : Myrrh, Vetiver, All Evergreen oils.
Mantra : LUM

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SKU: ECHS00001 Category:
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