I was effortlessly calm…
Before I walked in yesterday for your session, I was in a complete state of confusion. All my thoughts were randomly placed. But after the session u have kind of given a structure to thoughts and placed them sequentially. The session also made me quieter since Saturday, didn’t feel like talking much. I was drowsy whole of Saturday & Sunday. There were some beautiful moments. Best part was last evening, as soon as I returned home, I could sense my parents were irritated with me, but for some reason I was unaffected by their behaviour. I was effortlessly calm with them too.

I’m a totally different person today!
Since the first time I nervously walked into corehealing, not knowing what to expect, my life has changed so much. I used to be an emotional wreck all the time. Lived in a continuous state of victimhood and hating myself. My household was a chaos. I used to become overwhelmed for any small thing and would lock myself in the bathroom to cry. I used to yell at the children continuously and had endless fights with my husband. I was ashamed of the way I looked. Lived in fear of what would people say about me.
I can happily say I’m a totally different person today. I meditate daily. I am more confident and aware of the different situations that I go through my daily life. I can handle my emotions much better. I am calmer, more compassionate and grateful. I judge people less. I don’t care what other people think of me anymore. My house is a much happier place as there is more peace. My marriage has improved a lot also. I could go on and on with the positive changes in my life. I am forever grateful to Amit for helping me change my life. He is compassionate, kind, extremely patient, humble and an awesome healer. As he always says, gods grace. I thank god for putting him on my path. Thank you!
P.M.- Melbourne

my life has definitely changed…
I’m doing great, after talking to you my life has definitely changed. Managed to find some awesome people to hang out with here and balance my life out in terms of family, friends and dance. I feel fresh every day 🙂

V.R. – Singapore

Instrumental in bringing out the best within me!
Core healing sessions have helped create more perspective and focus within me. They have been instrumental in bringing out the best within me on lots of occassions. They have helped me see things as they are and shed all that which doesn’t work for me. What can I say about the infinite patience of the entire team other than you so much. I have so much gratitude to have found you and trusted you.

My life has definitely changed!
I’m doing great, after talking to you my life has definitely changed. Managed to find some awesome people to hang out with here and balance my life out in terms of family, friends and dance. I feel fresh every day 🙂

Really happy and joyful…

Session was really amazing. Today morning felt like taking session again..:).. and I was feeling really happy and joyful for 2-3 days after taking the session, then I felt like crying, now its easier to fall into silence, and I feel more receptive. Thank you soo much..Looking forward for next session and amazement.
D.T – Pune

I am sharing and communicating more openly…

Overall I am feeling very good. Earlier an unpleasant environment at home would trigger fear in me. This time around I found myself pretty calm and no stress on the solar plexus. I am sharing/ communicating more openly, I am feeling more confident and more relaxed.
A.T – Pune

Eliminate mental spin…
My mind was very restless and constantly in a spin, so I asked for my mental spin to be eliminated. I was sure this was a tall order for any system. 2 weeks later I found my self breaking down and the following week I experienced a state that I can still remember, the space of restful consciousness that was vividly clear to me.

Now the spin of my thoughts has come down by at least 60% and the space seems come easily to me.
H.T – Pune

Thank you for such a quick and profound healing…
I am feeling so amazing and light about myself like I never felt before. I am feeling myself now, I don’t remember ever feeling myself like this. Lots of anger and sadness came out which I always used to hold in me and never express to anyone with the fear of their reaction. I don’t remember when I cried last time, so many held back tears came out and I am comfortable expressing my anger now. Now I know I’ll be able to speak for myself and not listen to crap of everyone. Thanks for reminding me that now I’m expressing myself so clearly. Thank you for such a quick and profound healing
D.T – Pune

Lots of old anger and aggression came up…
For almost ten days after the healing, lots of old anger and aggression came up and I knew if I cross through all the outbursts there would be something good waiting for me and … I was right. I felt a new level of peace.
S.K – Pune

I feel like a totally new person!

I feel like a totally new person, the sadness from the depth of my heart seems to have faded.Thanks a ton
G.N – Pune

There is definitely grace working !

Last few days have been very peaceful irrespective of what has been happening around. I have had several moments of inspiration without my trying. Some tools have come my way out of nowhere. There is definitely grace working. There is both giving and receiving happening in my circle of friends and colleagues. Thank you very much.
V.B – Pune

Feel charged up, positive and de-stressed…
The sessions have been doing a lot of good to me. I feel charged up, very positive, de-stressed, and I am sleeping well. I also find myself in a much calmer and expanded state – wherein I am reaching out to people and they are reaching out to me. It is all happening effortlessly. Thank you very much. God bless you.
V.B – Pune

I appreciated myself…
After our session I handled a situation which usually I would have never handled well for the first time I didnt ask my boss for appreciation by even though he insulted me I appreciated myself

A.M – Mumbai

I feel I have a sense of direction…

Apart from energy healing, I have also come to learn + understand lot of things about “living life”, so those are invaluable and very hard to put in words.
Overall I can say that I am more at peace with myself and my environment as well. Faith in myself has improved and my self-talk, thoughts and past patterns/habits have improved. I feel I have a sense of direction, in terms of what needs to HEAL.
A.K – Mumbai

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